Friday, May 14, 2010

Literally Litter Free Lunch

Category: Real Food
Our packed litter-free lunch we brought on our day-trip to the Biodome in Montreal

Literally Litter-Free Lunch

I was thrilled when my daughter brought home a notice from school in her JK year stating that the school was going to promote a litter-free lunch day. That's great! I thought. What a good idea and a wonderful program to get going with kids at such a young age.  If the habit can be started in their first year, maybe the parents would follow-through throughout their kids school days. It was just a day though.  One measly day.  It's been 4 years of school days and I haven't seen a similar notice since. Why? I wonder.  It jumped started us on a roll to packing litter-free lunches and we've managed to keep it up for all of our take-out-of-the-house meals.  Our kids are used to opening their Tupperware containers filled with leftover dinners, pasta, fruit, veggies, homemade breads, muffins, cookies and granola bars.  Not only does their lunch result in zero garbage, our food is brought home from the store that way. No mini-yogurts or applesauce-to-go, no individually wrapped goldfish crackers or cheese sticks.  They're aware of the changes we've made and are proud of the fact that they go about their days without having to throw a single thing in a bin headed for the landfill.  The result of our litter free lunches: healthy,happy kids (eating real food!) and a cleaner environment.  I applaud the schools who have continued to promote this healthy habit and am hoping our school picks up the pace and converts to litter free lunch program.  Literally.

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